Champion and skin sale: The blinding snow

  • Outside the swirling snow roars with the ferocity of the winter wind. I am Northern Front Swain and now, at present, I’m trapped inside this xpeke kassadin season 4tent while the storm rages around me, unrepentant. Fortunately, I brought a pair of hextech binoculars at a Zaunite black market stall, along with some warm northern furs. 375 RP

  • Hyena Warwick strides across the tundra, tongue wagging and tail flopping, chasing a form that I cannot quite make out. He stops and sniffs the air, form unwavering and his long fangs bare; his eyes look like the daggers given to the Crimson Elite, stabbing into the blinding sheet of frozen snow. 487 RP

  • I see it now – Gothic Orianna runs from the fell beast, her dark mechanics blending with the shadows spread by the driving force of a winter gale. Such an odd creation, with so much untapped potential; I wonder if she might be able to be somewhat more malleable, if I suggested an alternate profession, to teach her hunter one last grim lesson. 260 RP

  • The hunted and the prey are not the only ones caught out by the frost: Galio is also far from home. His fearsome countenance hangs heavy,xpeke kassadin play his wings wrapped around him to shield him from the cold. Ah, distinctly I remember last when I saw this grave guardian; ’twas in the bleakest hour, when darkness and grey funeral pallor cast long shadows across the floor. 440 RP

  • With a sudden explosive snap, Blitzcrank grabs at my tent, rending open the flimsy flap. He may be a great steam golem, but I hear his moaning over the storm; he seems alone and wandering, lost and long forlorn. 395 RP

  • As the howling begins to fade, and the roar of winter tolls one last knell, the scent behind the golem emerges as a lumbering ursine smell. It is both strategy and luck, of course, that I was not caught unaware, but I will exit quickly now, instead of facing Volibear. 487 RP

The sun finally trickles out, doling rays of warming glow, xpeke kassadin highlights but I cannot stay behind to face such an enemy in those deep banks of snow. Likely we’ll all be running, from April 16 to April 19; but you might do well to follow, if you know what ’tis I mean. And this white curtained sheet that coats the land, from shore to northern shore, shall be lifted nevermore.

New transfer options now available!

New transfer options now available!

Starting today, players will be able to skip over the Atlantic and transfer between the North America and EUW or EUNE servers. This upgrade has been a xpeke long time coming and we’re stoked that players now have more flexibility to choose where they play!

To purchase a transfer, head to the in-game store and click on the Other tab. Intercontinental transfers are one-way and run 2600RP, so always double xpeke kassadin check you’re heading to the right server. Additionally, European players who joined the North American server prior to June 1st 2010 and weren’t able to move to the European platform when it opened will receive a free one time transfer token.